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10th Call for the Friedrich-Robert-Helmert-Award

The Association of Friends and Supporters of the GFZ is pleased to announce the 10th Call for the Friedrich-Robert-Helmert-Award for the best doctoral dissertation of the year 2022/2023

The Association of Friends and Supporters of the GFZ is pleased to announce the

10th Call for the Friedrich-Robert-Helmert-Award

for the best doctoral dissertation of the year 2022/2023

With view to the extensive research activities and the resulting scientific achievements the doctoral students at the Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences play a key role in contributing to an improved understanding of System Earth and to the overall success of research work carried out at the GFZ, Germany’s national research center for the solid Earth Sciences. With the Friedrich-Robert-Helmert-Award, the Association of Friends and Supporters of the GFZ (GFZ Friends) honours the best doctoral thesis of the year at the GFZ.


The winner is awarded a cash prize of 1,500 € together with a certificate and a one-year honorary membership in the GFZ Friends. The prize money is not bound to specific purposes. The award ceremony will be publically announced.

Call for entries

The Friedrich-Robert-Helmert-Award is awarded on an annual basis and will be conferred for the tenth time. The deadline for submission of applications is 20 July 2023. All doctoral candidates whose outstanding doctoral dissertation has been supervised by a scientist from the GFZ and is primarily based on research work carried out at the GFZ are eligible to apply. The doctoral procedure should – in the Helmert sense – be strongly application oriented and must have been completed during the previous year or before the deadline of the current year of application.

You can find more information about the call here: Helmert-Award 2023
